Monday, April 15, 2013

Broccoli Stalks

Broccoli Stalks

Broccoli.... it's good, it's good for you, and it is on sale this week!  So after buying a boat load and serving it roasted, and steamed, and raw, and stir-fried, what does that leave me?  Broccoli stalks.  Of course my go-to in this case would be a big ole bowl of broccoli soup, but it is SPRING, 70+ degrees, no soup for me.  Next...I know that you have got to cook the mess out of them to be edible, and although my sis is a big fan of what she calls smoochy broccoli, (appetizing name right), for me not so much.  I am, however, a BIG fan of anything pureed.  I think, being a second child and all, I did not get my fair share of baby food, but that is a story for an entirely different type of blog, so I digress.

You take your overcooked broccoli and put it in the Cuisinart and now what have you got? (that last sentence should be read while singing the Hokey Pokey in your head)  Broccoli Pesto!!  I started here Allrecipes Broccoli Pesto as a base and modified to my liking.  I had a history teacher who said teenagers used  speed limit signs as mere suggestion of how fast they should go.  That is my view on recipes, providing a nice framework for you to let your creativity flow!

Broccoli Pesto
Broccoli Stems
Olive Oil

I steamed the stems for 8-10 minutes and put them in the food processor with garlic, and some pesto, started it up and drizzled in oil until it reached a hummus like consistency. When I serve it tonight tossed with orzo, I plan to thin with some pasta cooking water, a little lemon juice, and sprinkle with additional grated Parm.  Because as we all know, you always add more cheese!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a web site Kelly. I look forward to discovering what's being planned over next week
