Sunday, November 24, 2013

Potato Pork Produces Pot Pasta

Who doesn't love that alteration?  Lot of pasta of late, that probably means the weather is turning cool and the stove's lure tends to win over going outside to grill. Although I do grill year round it is funny how READY I am to head out to grill in the springtime and how equally READY I am to focus on indoor cooking in the fall, or to be more geographically specific, when the temperatures start to dip.  The older I've gotten the more I really look forward to and really crave the foods of the various seasons.  Menu items in the short future include butternut squash, collards, sweet potatoes and caramelized onions.  I find myself turning to baked, roasted and pan searing as preferential cooking methods.  I think the simple act of turning the oven on warms me.  The cooler temps and darker days encourage us inside and focus us on home and the special people in our lives that make it so.

In this vein, I made a quick weeknight supper of stuffed baked potatoes baking up some russets and topping with ground turkey, broccoli and a cheddar cheese sauce.  Friday found me with more time to devote to dinner and I decided to take my PlannedOver turkey and turn it into a tasty treat!  Michael loves pasta and it, along with eggs, and salad can pretty much turn anything into a PlannedOver!  I started a roux with butter and flour and made a sauce using PlannedOver greens broth as well as a can of chicken broth, finished it off with a generous handful of Parmesan cheese.  Into the pot went the ground turkey, cooked pasta and broccoli.  I like to slightly under cook my pasta and let it finish in the sauce.  I feel like the pasta absorbs some of the sauce and becomes infinitely more flavorful.

I would love to hear what you do with your PlannedOvers and Pasta!

Enjoy!  Happy Eating!

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