Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cheesy Broccoli Rice PlannedOver Part 2

I do promise I am nearing the end - for now- of what it is that you should be doing with the various stages of broccoli I found myself with.  From Soup to casserole to cakes and now for it's final incarnation - Fried Rice!!  It has been said and I find it to be quite true that indeed necessity is the mother of all invention.  And while I am not opposed, per se, to straight out of the fridge left overs - on occasion that is - I find it much more compelling to create something new and unique.   This desire for new tastes and flavors combined with my overly healthy desire to NOT WASTE food was the birthplace of turning something into something else.  Now add to that mix my busy schedule which necessitates a high degree of organization, and thus plannedovers were born. 

And don't get me wrong.  There is no NEED for this much planning and organizing and forethought always.  For you.  For me my desire to have a wonderful dinner on a daily basis - trumps pretty much all else and so the neurosis continues!  Come along for the ride - it's sure to be a tasty one!

Fried Rice

I sauteed some onion and peas in a touch of sesame and garlic oil added the rice and a little soy sauce and once heated drizzled a beaten egg turning over with a spatula to ensure the egg was thoroughly cooked.

Enjoy!!! Happy Eating!!!

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